MSC Malaysia Open Source Conference 2009 - Call For Papers

10 April 2009 | Label: , , | |

MSC Malaysia Open Source Conference 2009 - Call For Papers

How Open Source Software & the community can creatively help survive the impact of economic crisis.

Call For Papers (Click Be A Speaker)

Official lauch 21 April 2009. More info from the website above.

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Joint MSC Malaysia OSSCON Group

Host : MDeC & Communities OSS Malaysia

Start: 31hb May 2009
End: 03hb June 2009

Location: Berjaya Times Square Hotel & Convention Center Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Come join over 600 open source developers, gurus, experts, and users in the first ever MSC Malaysia Open Source Conference 2009 in to be held from the 31st May to 3rd of June, 2009 in Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, congregating open source enthusiasts from not just Malaysia, but from other parts of the world.

*** MSC Malaysia Open SOurce Conference 2009 Highlight ***

** Hackathon Day (31 May 2009) ** 

- Adempiere Number One Open Source ERP Software. Learn OSS development from the Leader himself.

- Lamp2Win. Making PHP applications to work with MSSQL

- Install Fest

Common portmanteau word for “installation festival”; Linux user groups frequently run these. Computer users are invited to bring their machines to have Linux installed on their machines. The idea is to get them painlessly over the biggest hump in migrating to Linux, which is initially installing and configuring it for the user’s machine. Pick your distro like Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSuSe, PCBSD and more.

This include OSS for Windows like, GIMP for Windows, Mozilla Firefox and many more.

- MyCert Web "Intrusion: Practical analysis with OSS tools"

Malaysian Computer Emergency Response Team (MyCERT) was formed on January 13, 1997 and started its operation fully on March 01, 1997. Operating from the office of CyberSecurity Malaysia, MyCERT provide a point of reference for the Internet community here to deal with computer security incidents and methods of prevention.

*** International Speaker ***

Phyton! by Anthony Baxter, Google
PCBSD Matt Olander
Mark Rees
Harrish Pillay, Fedora



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